Soil Control System

Introduction I love plants, but I usually forget to water them. I’ve decided to build a soil control system to help me to keep track of soil moisture levels. The system should monitor a soil moisture level and report whether the soil is wet or dry. The project uses the ESP32 MCU and the YL-69 soil moisture sensor. You are free to use any other hardware. MCU: ESP32, CH32V003, CH32V207, CH32V307, NXP, STM32, AVR, etc Sensors: see the table below and the DFRobot website Sensors Sensor Name Sensor Price (Approximate) YL-69 $2 - $5 Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor (v1.

Introduction It’s been a while since I left Enapter, where I led the firmware development team for ESP32 based projects. It was a wonderful experience and I brought a lot of new projects into the renewable energy field. I’m particularly proud of developing a technology, that allows to connect hydrogen devices in a wireless mesh network. This technology has been nominated for a patent and recently it has appeared on the global Google Patents platform.

Introduction This is a very tiny, but still useful article, describing how to connect your oscilloscope, that supports the LXI protocol to your local PC. Most articles, found on the web, cover mostly the case, when the oscilloscope is connected to the LAN and the IP addresses of the oscilloscope are automatically assigned by the LAN’s DHCP. My setup is a bit different. I want to connect the oscilloscope directly to my local PC and use a static IP address for a communication between them.

Introduction An internet was designed in a such way that almost nobody remembers the days when there is no internet. People just got used to this phenomenon, like an air, in the same way, there are some people who remember those days and we should protect them as the UNESCO area. This feeling that the internet has been at all times shows that it was very well-designed and later - implemented.

Better Commit Message

Introduction I always do git log and explore what changes were made by other developers. It is my habit and I don’t expect that other developers do the same. But I would totally be very happy if a git history will become more clean and understandable not only in big open-source projects but also in a majority of company in the software development industry. You need to follow some rules to keep your git history healthy.

Introduction This is a story of a little fight with an obscure OS X clock API. When it comes to high-resolution time management in OS X wouldn’t it be a dreamy to have the following routines: Receive current monotonically incrementing time value. Sleep for a specified interval. Sleep until a specified time. Motivation This fight was begun when I tried to make time-related operations portable in Roc project. Thanks I would like to thank my friends and colleague Victor Gaydov and his project, that was a reason why this article has appeared and for dozen helpful advices how to improve this article.